MOXI By Sciton

Moxi providers in san antonio

Enjoy Prejuvenation for Younger-Looking Skin

Introducing the Ideal Addition to Your Skincare Routine

Moxi, the innovative 1927nm fractionated laser, has gained popularity among patients worldwide as the perfect complement to any skincare regimen. It is specially designed to be gentle yet powerful, catering to the needs of all individuals.

Moxi is a great treatment for those seeking pre-juvenation or for individuals who wish to postpone the signs of aging.

In just a short 12-15 minute session, Moxi provides a comfortable experience while delivering non-ablative laser energy to address initial sun damage and signs of aging effectively. This remarkable treatment is suitable for all seasons and skin types, promising a radiant and flawless complexion.

How Moxi By Sciton Works

The Moxi laser emits fractionated laser energy at a wavelength of 1927nm. The laser delivers this energy in tiny beams that selectively target the upper layers of the skin, creating micro-injuries and stimulating the body's natural healing response, while leaving the surrounding skin unaffected.

Gentle yet effective

Collagen and Elastin Production

As the laser energy is absorbed, it gently heats the targeted areas, promoting the formation of new collagen and elastin fibers. By stimulating collagen production, the Moxi laser helps improve skin texture, firmness, and overall appearance.

The laser energy helps break down excess pigmentation and stimulates cell turnover, resulting in a clearer, more even-toned complexion. Additionally, the increased collagen production helps reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, leading to smoother, younger-looking skin.

The Result

Moxi Laser in San Antonio, Texas

Moxi works for all skin types

Discover the power of Moxi lasers: Tune in to Dr. Moore's informative video!

Meet our Dermatologists

& laser specialists

Dermatologist San Antonio, Tessa Cervantes


Dermatologist San Antonio, Milton Moore, MD

Milton Moore, MD

Aesthetician and Laser Specialists in San Antonio, Lizzette Ritchie

lizzette ritchie

are you ready to

experience the

moxi difference?