Your Dermatology

Mole experts

in san antonio

What are Moles?

Moles are common skin growths made of pigment cells, which come in various colors and sizes, but some may be cancerous. Schedule a mole check with our expert dermatologists at LIV Dermatology for peace of mind. Early detection is key, so take charge of your skin health today!

Mole check up and removal in San Antonio Texas | LIV Dermatology

Types of Moles

  • Common Moles

    Typically small, brown, and round, these moles are usually uniform in color and shape.

  • Atypical Moles

    These moles may have irregular shapes and varied colors. They can be larger than common moles and may have uneven borders.

  • Congenital Moles

    Present at birth, these moles are usually larger and may have an uneven surface.

  • Dysplastic Nevi

    Often larger than common moles, these moles can have irregular borders and varying colors. They may be a sign of increased risk for melanoma.

Methods of Mole Removal

  • Surgical Excision

    This method involves cutting out the entire mole along with a small margin of surrounding skin. It is used for larger or deeper moles.

    Procedure: The area is numbed with a local anesthetic, and the mole is removed with a scalpel. The wound is then closed with sutures.

    Recovery: The site may be sore, require stitches, and take a few weeks to heal.

  • Shave Removal

    Shave removal uses a small blade to shave off the mole from the surface of the skin. It is typically used for smaller, raised moles.

    Procedure: The area is numbed with a local anesthetic, and the mole is shaved off. There is minimal bleeding.

    Recovery: The area may scab over but generally heals within a few weeks. Scarring is usually minimal.

  • Laser Removal

    Laser removal uses focused light beams to target and destroy the mole’s pigment cells. It is used for small, superficial moles.

    Procedure: The mole is treated with a laser, which breaks down the pigment. Multiple sessions may be needed.

    Recovery: Healing is quick, with minimal downtime. Some redness or swelling may occur.

  • Electrosurgery

    Electrosurgery uses electrical currents to burn off the mole. It is effective for small, superficial moles.

    Procedure: The area is numbed with a local anesthetic, and an electric current is used to remove the mole and seal the area.

    Recovery: The treated area may form a crust, which will fall off as it heals. Recovery time is generally short.


  • While the ABCDE rule can be a helpful guide (Asymmetry, Border irregularity, Color variation, Diameter larger than 6 millimeters, and Evolving), it's important to have a professional dermatologist examine any mole that raises concerns. Early detection is crucial, and a dermatologist can definitively diagnose and recommend the appropriate course of action.

  • This depends on your individual risk factors, but most people should have a skin cancer screening by a dermatologist at least once a year.

  • Absolutely! Dermatologists can remove moles that are not cancerous but cause you self-consciousness. They offer various mole removal procedures depending on the size, location, and desired cosmetic outcome.

    During a consultation, a dermatologist will discuss your concerns, examine the mole, and recommend the most suitable removal method. Here are some common options:

    • Surgical excision: This is the most common method for complete mole removal with minimal scarring.

    • Shave excision: Suitable for raised moles, it leaves a slight scar.

    • Laser removal: Ideal for small, shallow moles on cosmetically sensitive areas.

    • Cryotherapy: Freezes and destroys the mole tissue, effective for small, non-cancerous moles but might leave a lighter patch of skin.

    Remember, a board-certified dermatologist can advise you on the best course of action based on your specific situation. Schedule a consultation at LIV Dermatology to discuss your mole removal options and achieve the smooth, confident skin you desire!

Know your skin!

spot the difference between various skin growths

Three key distinctions among moles, warts, and skin tags include the following. Moles, raised or flat, often present from birth and tend to increase with age. Warts, caused by a viral infection of skin cells, persist until the body's immune system or prescribed therapies successfully combat the infected cells. On the other hand, skin tags, form in friction-prone areas such as the neck or underarms and can be easily removed. To determine your skin condition, it is advised to consult a dermatologist and undergo regular yearly skin checks.

Meet our Dermatologists

Dermatologist San Antonio, Tessa Cervantes


Dermatologist San Antonio, Milton Moore, MD

Milton Moore, MD

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